ok please only answers from people who have relevant knowledge and are here to offer help not say things like take it to a garage
ok i have a 1996 vauxhall brava, 2.5 non turbo
4 months ago i replaced the key start with a toggle switch and a push button, for reasons of price rather than asthetics.
monday morning i went to start it after spending all weekend working on it and it would not start, seemed like a problem with the diesel pump.
anyway after alot of cranking the starter began to play up, its either clicks or whirrs and when engaging sometimes made a nasty crunch,
the vehicle had another big truck supplying the power through jump leads.
i have once stripped and rebuilt a starter purely to change the two terminals, but this was on a vehicle that was purely clicking and not whirring,
any ideas??
Starter motor problem on a vauxhall brava diesel?
It sounds like you may have a couple of problems.
The big truck you where jumping it with was it 24Volt? If so you may have burnt the starter motor out and all the cranking won't have done it much good either.
Start by fully charging the brava battery and try again. Make sure that the battery leads are ok ie no loose connection as this can make starters just click. If no change replace the starter then you will be able to look into the real problem.
What work had you done to it over the weekend?
Starter motor problem on a vauxhall brava diesel?
Sounds like the starter and/or bendix gear (crunching noise) is cream crackered.
sounds like the solenoid not working properly give it a belt with a hammer and see if it will work.
otherwise take your starter off and take it to an auto electrician who will test it for you.
the starter pinion gear is only spinning on the shaft and not throwing into drive check the solenoid and electrical connections particulaly the earth connection
1st lose jump wires 2nd Bendix stater motor 3rd if engine make rounds fast but engine doest start see any smoke from exhaust pipe if no smoke it mean diesel pump faulty there is smoke it mean heater problem .