Check your ground cables,engine to body and battery to engine,
this will happen when you have a bad ground,I am assuming that
you already checked the battery,also make sure the starter is
actually tight,it must be tight and grounded well.|||Your battery is dead. Try getting a jump or changing it. Your starter shoud be fine|||Have you made certain the battery is fully charged? and that the terminals are clean?|||That is a dead battery. Try replacing that and see what happens. If you don%26#039;t want to replace it you can take it and have it tested at any auto part store.|||Normally when the starter motor solenoid gives a loud clicking sound, it indicates low or poor voltage. First check that positive and negative terminals are tight and free of corrosion at both ends of the cables. Next check the stattic charge in the battery. Or in other words, check that the battery is fully charged. The next question that needs to be asked is Why did the battery go flat in the first place? Check your alternator output and charge rate. Alternator or voltage regulator failure is the most common problems to be aware of. Or the battery could be stuffed! Hope all this helps.