Friday, June 3, 2011
Pontiac grandam motor shuts off when driving and when try to start back up starter clicks?
pontiac grandam motor shuts off when driving and when try to start back up starter clicks i changed the starter then it starts up again and drive the car again and the samething happens|||It sounds as if your alternator is going bad. But if the car restarts that probably isnt it. If your starter just clicks it usually means that theyre isnt enough voltage to turn the motor, the click is the solenoid engaging but the motor is not turning.Its also possible you have heat soak with the starter. Need more info. to have an accurate guess though. If the lights are getting dim while the car is running then i can almost guarantee you the alternator isnt charging properly.|||Obviously your skills were not up to the task. Take it to a shop.|||I agree, Sounds like alternator isn%26#039;t producing enough power and the battery is making up for the loss to keep the engine running and then when the battery is out of charge the engine dies and you get a rapid click at the starter because there isn%26#039;t enough power to turn the starter motor and it just sits there and clicks.