Friday, June 3, 2011

How to change a starter motor on a Nissan 100nx?

Detailed advice step by step needed as it has to be done this week.|||At many auto parts stores you can buy a Haynes do-it-yourself manual for your model car, with step-by-step instructions, and basic explanations at the beginning of each chapter. If it is not in stock, you can order it online by searching on %26quot;auto repair manuals%26quot; on Yahoo search. In the front is a section on %26quot;Troubleshooting%26quot; that guides you step-by-step to find causes of most engine malfunctions based on the car%26#039;s symptoms. Whether you do the work yourself or not, it helps you make informed decisions and not be taken advantage of, and to not feel so %26quot;in the dark.%26quot;

db667089 says: you can check For about the same price as a Haynes or Chilton%26#039;s repair manual, you can have online access (for a whole year) to model specific info for your particular vehicle. This is the same info that repair shops use. They have great wiring schematics/diagrams.

Also, for about $15 for a one-month subscription, you can get the factory manual, downloadable whole or by sections (careful! Mine was about 500 pages!) or viewable, at

Best regards,

Mike|||google has everything